Friday, December 29, 2006


Yesterday the lot was bulldozed to clear a flat area for digging/pouring, and the lot boudaries and house footprint were staked. We chose to angle the house so that the back will look out down the treeline to the left and give us maximum view and privacy in the backyard. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me this visit. The floor plan outlines were spray-painted on the ground and flagged so it was easier to visualize what it will be like.

One other thing I noticed was that the dirt looks nice and dark... I suppose it should since it was a farm field for various crops up until about 5 months ago. Anyway they will pile up what they scraped on the sides of the lot so that they can put it back on top of the fill that we bring in.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

1st Setback

We had our first minor setback today when we found out that we'll need a conditional use building permit in order to move fill around our lot (because we're within 300 feet of a stream). So we're on the agenda for the Greenville planning commission meeting on January 8th. Until then, all we can do is scrape and straw the lot, and stake everything out. That should be started today.

Here is what our house will look like:

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The "Before" picture

Our lot is in the Amber Fields development in Greenville - just west of Appleton, WI. We bought Lot 30 on December 15th, which is a wedge-shaped, 1.04-acre lot on Rocky Mountain Drive. Here is the "Before" picture taken on Friday, December 23rd.


Welcome to "The Wenzel Project". The purpose of this weblog is to document the construction of our house in Greenville, WI. Kristin and I are first-timers in the home construction process and will probably be visiting the project daily... so I thought we may as well take pictures and share it with you.